Anderson Bogert Becomes Envision™ Credentialed

Anderson Bogert Becomes Envision™ Credentialed

Anderson Bogert has a team of engineers who are Envision™ credentialed practitioners (ENV SPs). This new rating system covers all aspects of civil infrastructure and fills a civil infrastructure gap when compared to other commonly-known sustainability rating systems, such as LEED and Greenroads.

The purpose is to foster a dramatic and necessary improvement in the performance and resiliency of our physical infrastructure across the full spectrum of sustainability. The rating system could cover: roads, bridges, pipelines, railways, airports, dams, levees, landfills, water treatment systems, etc. Envision provides the framework and incentives needed to initiate systemic change for sustainable infrastructure.

By implementing Envision™ our firm can help owners, communities, constructors, designers, and others to create cost-effective, more resource-efficient and adaptable long-term infrastructure investments. The rating system helps decision makers:

  • Meet sustainability goals
  • Guide decisions
  • Evaluate environmental benefits
  • Address community priorities
  • Demonstrate good governance

Envision™ was developed in joint collaboration between the Zofnass Program for Sustainable Infrastructure at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design and the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure. The Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure is a not-for-profit education and research organization founded by the American Public Works Association, the American Council of Engineering Companies and the American Society of Civil Engineers.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Envision™.